
Select your beloved novel character, engage in real-time conversations with intelligent AI characters to weave the chapters of your story.

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Characters & storylines

A vast library of characters and storylines.

Dialogue system

An intelligent dialogue system that reacts authentically to your choices.


Visually stunning effects that immerse you in the novel’s scenes

Journey of words & imagination

Have you ever dreamed of stepping into the pages of a novel, becoming a key figure in determining the story's outcome? Do you wish to converse deeply with your favorite characters, uncovering their inner worlds?

ChatCos provides that very opportunity – not just to read, but to live within the story, feel every emotional ripple, make decisions, influence the narrative, and experience genuine interaction.

About ChatCos

ChatCos provides that very opportunity – not just to read, but to live within the story, feel every emotional ripple, make decisions, influence the narrative, and experience genuine interaction.
Download it from iOS App Store or Google Play Store.
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